Let’s Contribute $30 each to The Rotary Foundation
Message from Connecting President Joyce Mpalanyi Magala

Moreover, TRF through Districts and Clubs calls attention to the programs of The Rotary Foundation and frequently cultivate additional financial support for the Foundation by promoting contributions for Paul Harris Fellows and Sustaining Members. The contributions to TRF by RC Kajjansi have steadily grown as reflected in this edition of the Monthly Brick. I take this opportunity to acknowledge the club members who have significantly shared their resources over the years to reach out to the most vulnerable communities. Special recognition goes to the first time givers and those who have added sapphires in the RY 2019/2020.

PE Nannyonjo Annet PHF +3
President Magala Joyce PHF+2
PAG Baganja Charles PHF+1
AG Baganja Theresa PHF+1
Rtn Byabagambi John PHF+1
Rtn Ezama William PHF
Rtn Nicholas Kibuuka PHF
Rtn Kawere Barbra PHF
Rtn Magala Charles PHF+1
As we give, let us connect with the rotary fraternity for partnerships; build a pipeline of projects in order to utilize the Global Grants. During his visit, DG Xavier encouraged us to become 100% donating club to The Rotary Foundation as each member contributes at least $30. Members, YES we CAN.
I wish to thank the Rotary fraternity who made connections with RC Kajjansi during the economic study at the farm of Dr. Emma Naluyima and the love shown to our candidates as they prepared for the final exams.
We look forward to an exciting TRF month under the able leadership of the TILES Buddy Group.