Wednesday, 25 March 2020

The Brick March 2020

Message from Connecting President Joyce Mpalanyi Magala

Dear Readers,

The month of March focuses on Water and Sanitation which are basic elements for human survival. Studies indicate that approximately 88% of diarrhoea cases worldwide are attributable to unsafe water. As of June 2019, the percentage of population using an improved water source was estimated at 69% as per Uganda Sector Performance Report 2019.

The percentage of population with hand washing facilities with soap and water at home stands at 40% in urban and 36% in rural areas in Uganda. With the Corona 19 Virus (CV) pandemic affecting the lives and landscape of events worldwide, proper handwashing a hygiene practice can only be emphasized given its health benefits during this global challenge.

As Rotarians, we have been advised to continue with rotary business using all possible technology available now. I therefore, argue members to sign up and get connected with rotary clubs on-line. Who knows whether this may turn out as the most effective means of communication. Let us uphold the rotary four-way test to keep safe from the CV.

Finally, I wish to thank the incoming leaders who participated at the PETs and training and members who attended the RLI. We appreciate the Maxipan buddy group for the session on “my Rotary on-line” which not only enabled many Rotarians and guests gain knowledge, but saw RC Kajjansi hosting a mini mega fellowship. We thank you all for the always connecting with our club.