PR Directors and bulletin officers given tips on good PR practices
for Rotary Clubs
By Hannington Sebuliba
The Country PR Desk two weeks ago organised a one day seminar for
all Club Presidents, PR Directors, and Bulletin Officers at Hotel Africana. It
was attended by over 80 partcipants.
The purpose of the trainning was to impart skills and knowledge to
Rotarians in line with Rotary International’s focus on the image of Rotary.
Peter Mwesige a media consultant gave participants the essentials of media
which included what he termed as the “Ws”. These he said included What’s
your message?
Who are you communicating to? [Mass or specialised/class e.g. Rotarians]
What are the best channels to reach your audience? Radio, TV, newspapers,
digital, online, or multiple platforms?
What tools are most effective? Press releases, news conferences, talk shows,
or supplements? – For ex. Do you have the convening power to call a Press
advised Rotarians to use media mileage to deal with larger issues in the
country/society instead of myopically focusing on just getting your club
visibility. He went on to give them advise in that when they are
dealing with the media, they need to know the sight media
contacts? Reporters, editors [Newsroom structures]
said that it was very vital for Rotarians to have facts on their fingertips
when they are dealing with journalists as this would build confidence in them.
He said that they need to Focus on the most important aspects, Keep it simple
reminded them that journalists work under tight deadlines which
means that they have to submit their work early. He further told them to always
maintain a professional relationship and never to bribe journalist.
They will have much more respect for you even when they don’t run your story.
He also advised them to respond to media inquiries, and promptly too
Rtn. Niyetegeka made a presentation on the use of social
media within the clubs to enhance public awareness on Rotary activities and to
encourage participation and support of Rotary programmes.
He informed
Rotarians that there was really no need to dwell too much on the technicalities
since Social Media is really about Communication;
He informed
Rotarians that there were too many tools and one just needed to know
what he/she wanted, his/her target audience and how to reach out to
them – pick tools that are going to work for you and not a “Me 2” Strategy
where you copy what everyone else is doing. “You do not need to have a website
or a facebook if they will not be regularly updated”. He noted
He pointed the
most common mistake is that we spend a lot of time on tactics and
not the strategy.
He said
that Social Media Strategy has to have a two-way communication: “You need
to keep it active, communicate regularly, engage the followers: More and more
people ignore one-way communication – websites need to be interactive” he said
He also advised
Rotarians to listen directly rather than ask a lot of questions –
listen to what people are saying about Rotary; Learn how to share videos
through You-tube, twitter, Facebook, Flicker; Do not just do an ok job:
Check your impact ; Do not rely on “social media gurus” – You can do it on
your own and to Be transparent and don’t pretend to be something we
are not.
The other topics
presented included Club Communication Organiser by Fred
Masadde, Country PR Chair, Managing your stakeholders- A plan for engagement
and Partnership by Rtn. Henry Rugamba; Internal communications Basics by Jimmy
Kiberu, Corporate Affairs Manager Tullow Oil and SMS media.
The training was
opened by the Country Chair Rtn. Robert Wagwa Nsibirwa who said that the
RI Board selected Enhancing Public Image and Awareness of Rotary as
the 3rd focus area in order to make Rotary the organization of choice for
those who want to serve community and support Rotary. If we are more coherent
in our communications, we should be able to build membership; build
partnerships with Corporate partners and donors.
Closing the
training, District Governor Elect, Rtn. Emmanuel Katongole thanked all
participants for making it to the Seminar. He stressed the importance of the
Public Image focus area to Rotary International and requested the Country PR
Chair to continue these sessions regularly to ensure that Rotary in Uganda
spreads far and wide.