Thursday, 17 May 2012


During the Fellowship yesterday Past President  Peter Jjemba  Kaggwa a.k.a PJK shared with the Rotary Club of Kajjansi about the issue of Volunteering in Rotary. Below is what he said  as transcribed by Rtn. Hannington Sebuliba

Definition of a volunteer
Rtn.  Annet Nannyonjo ‘Anyone does something at his/her own will without payment’.
I will give you three definitions in addition to hers.
1.       A person who offers to do something without being forced. 
2.       A person who works for an organization, but he/she is not paid for that work
3.       A person who joins the armed forces at his/her own free will.
4.       Offer to  do something without being forced or to suggest something without being asked.
The suggestion we get is that every volunteer has to do something.   Therefore, if you volunteer and say yes am a Rotarian and am a volunteer but doing nothing you are not even a volunteer. You can voluntarily join a Rotary Club but ask yourself what have I done for the club? What have you ever volunteered to do? Have you ever volunteered to help the president? Have you ever volunteered to go in a project? If you answer all questions relevant to volunteering then you are in the right place. Mr. President I would like to suggest that we take the issue of our volunteering as very serious. Many times we have taken it too lightly well what am I supposed to have done?  Am a volunteer.  He gave an example of someone who volunteers to get someone from a pit by pulling a rope but midway he/she decides to loosen the rope, that’s not a good heart of volunteering. “ Why did you to pretend to say that you are coming to volunteer to helping me? This is exactly what is happening in Rotary. We put on our Lapel Badges which tell the world that we are volunteers.  We belong to this biggest voluntary organization in the whole world. Very prestigious and you never bother to ask yourself whether you have ever volunteered.
If you put yourself in the category of the Rotarian you want to be you might be shocked to see that many of us fall short of the definition of a volunteer. We have different categories of Rotarians
·         The Balloons:  In Rotary we are supposed to have fun and fellowship together, but there are those who just burst at any slightest joke. Those are the balloons. If you are becoming a balloon please check yourself. 
·         The Trailers.  These are Rotarians who want to be pulled all the time. The good thing is that,  when you are slopping they will quicken. But when you come to a hill and there’s some problem  you know what happens and am telling you this  because most presidents these days are suffering a lot  they pull and pull but some Rotarians are not coming.
·         A canoe: This is another category of Rotarians who want to be guided all the way like a canoe. You have to row, row the canoe. A canoe on the lake has to be guided please come this way, please come this way.
·         The Sub-marine: We also have Rotarians who are sub-marines. The sub-marine is always underground  but at certain occasions they come out. There are Rotarians who can come out when there’s a function. All along they have not been there but when there’s a function, you’ll see the Rotarians coming and they want to be given front seats. They want to be seen.
·         Kites:  There are Rotarians who behave like kites. They fly and fly endlessly. These don’t send apologies when they do not attend fellowship. These don’t care about others.

In  clubs and meetings there are these categories of people:
a)      Mr. & Mrs. Negative:  President says let’s do this or that and these will say “ it doesn’t work” when they ask them to give their opinions, then they will have no idea.
b)      Mr. and Mrs. Apathy:  They keep quiet in the meeting you ask them about their opinions and they keep quiet. You keep asking and they keep quiet. When the fellowship ends, they will start backbiting.  They start saying “how can so and so say like this?” They start telling outsiders yet when they were in the meeting they were keeping quiet.
c)       Mr. and Mrs. Opinionated: These think that in a meeting when their idea hasn’t been taken, then there was no meeting. They think that they know it all.  If the president doesn’t take their idea, then they will not participate. They are full of themselves.  All these make our leadership very burdened. I pity the presidents.
d)      Mr. & Mrs. I know it all: Their hands are always up even if they don’t know anything about the topic.  You ask for a report for an activity, they will be the first to raise their hands even when they never participated. They speak and speak and speak.
e)      Mr. & Mrs. Pragmatic: They listen, contribute and when someone brings an idea, they agree with that one and when another person comes with a contrary idea they will also agree with him/her.
He concluded by asking a rhetorical question “Ask not what the club has done for you, ask what you can do together for the good of the club”

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