Dear Colleagues in service, on the 1 st of July 2016, we looked ahead towards a Rotary Year that may one day be the greatest in the History of Rotary. To put it into perspective, it will take another 100 years for this great organization to celebrate another Centenary of the foundation. The theme, Rotary Serving Humanity” could not have come at a better time. If we are to serve Humanity, we will need to give more than ever to the Foundation, get more willing hands on the job, make our efforts known and visible but also work with the Youth who will with the grace of GOD
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President Ismael Mukasa's August message |
Celebrate the next 100 years.
As a club, we held a joint Board retreat in June where we localized those concepts to fit into achievable programs for this Rotary year. We changed the Fellowship Venue just in time, held a wonderful Installation ceremony and saved Uganda Shillings ten million (USD 3,300) for our Katwe Bweya Primary School.
We printed a world class magazine, launched our projects profile to showcase what we have done for the last 13 years and what we intend to do this Rotary year, printed every Rotarians year planner including activities for
In the past one month, we have held three fun filled fellowships, one led by PP Theresa, with tremendous member turn outs, 77% on average, reporting at least 80 visits and makeups made by an average 25 members. As your flag bearer this year, these statistics are great but can be even better.
We hosted the Rotary Cancer Centre VTT from USA, two Past District Governors, Stephen Mwanje and Carolyn Johnson, donated medical equipment and sundries to Kajjansi Health Centre IV, interested our Guests with our vision for Katwe Bweya, travelled to Buikwe to meet the District leadership to open partnership for our Rotary Technical Institute in numbers exceeding 10 club members.
We launched the after fellowship, (kimeza) with the maiden one sponsored by Rtn Alex, a platform that has created better understanding of each other outside fellowship but also given birth to great ideas towards programs like the District Governors’ Visit on 20th August 2016 in Buikwe.
On the Flip side though, we lost a great Rotarian, sister, Nun, Educationist and Philanthropist, Rtn Sr. Angellina Nakato (PHF) to Cancer of the Liver. As a club, we contributed Uganda Shillings One Million towards her medical bills while still hospitalized and on her demise, we accorded her an Honorable send off with a wreath and contributions towards her burial to a tune of Uganda Shillings one million seven hundred Thousand. There was full support of the whole Rotary fraternity including DGE, Country Chair, Past Assistant Governors and over ten Rotary Clubs. We also dedicated a fellowship to her and pray that the Lord grants her Eternal Life.
Looking ahead, I call upon all of you to make August a great month by; completing your semiannual Dues, participating in the Cancer run but also collecting money for the books you took, contributing to TRF, EREY but most importantly the symbolic 26.5 USD at least before 10 th /08/2016, being part of the District Governors visit in Buikwe on 20/8/2016 which will also have a tree planting exercise and mega Medical Camp, construction works at St Kizito Katwe BWEYA Primary School.
With great humility, implore you all to raise our fellowship and club attendance from 77% to 83% and the visits and makeups of 80% by 25 members to 80% by 30 members.
My promise
to you is that I will remain your servant, by defining reality for you and being thankful to those who execute when assigned.
Ismael Mukasa, ( PHF).
Summary of Activities in the first month
It’s amazing how adaptable, members of the Rotary Club of kajjansi can be when it comes to crash programs in serving Humanity. Each Individual continues to strive the fabric from which our club is made and that’s oneness, an ideal to reckon with.
Four Past Presidents humbly agreed to take on special assignments; PPP, to chair both the procurement committee and District Governors visit, PAG CKB to head the Assessment of our club impact in Jjongoza RCC plus citations and awards, PP Kaloli to follow-up on the promise of Wakiso District for another classroom Block at Katwe Bweya and the Access Road and PP Magala to bring home the club Registration Certificate.
Rtn Moses agreed to take lead in the club strategic Planning Retreat in Kalangala while Rtn Sylvia Mugabe is the Club on to DCA Arusha.
A team headed by IPP Julie headed the team to Buikwe for the handover off the first two Blocks of the Technical Institute, paid a courtesy visit to the Bukwe District Administration and wound up the day with a tsunami at Rc Seeta. This was a humbling experience because over 10 members participated.
The club stood in unison and supported our youth in various activities; The Rotaract Club of Kajjansi held a wonderful installation Ceremony and raised over Eight Hundred Thousand shillings for their projects, there was a mega joint Interact Installation hosted by Kisubi Mapeera SS.
This was a mini convention of sorts as over 300 Interactors from six schools attended inclusive of two visiting schools. As a club, we are truly thankful to the patrons of all Interact Patrons, Rtn Joseph Ddamulira for hosting the function, Rotarians Adrine and Alex for being able directors and Rtn Annet for providing transportation for the Interactors.
With the leadership of Rtn Alex, Rotaractors and the Rotary Vijana POA Enterprises held and events demo to facilitate the publicity for the upcoming Cycling Event due in the 1st week of October 2016 within Akright City Kakunglu. This is intended to raise funds for the RVP, awareness about Rotary in the area with a goal of recruiting new members, working with the Youth to paint all Road Islands in the Estate but crown it all with a fun evening.
A new dawn-Rotary Serving Humanity
On Saturday June 25, 2016, the club changed its leadership from IPP Juliet Kyokunda to President Ismael Mukasa.
Nican Resort will never be the same. The mother of all functions was held in the gardens of this newly constructed state of the art hotel along Sseguku-Katsle road, seven miles from Kampala city.
The Rotary Club of Kajjansi which recently shifted to this hotel, was holding its 14th presidential installation. Everywhere in the spacious hotel gardens and in the parking the rotary wheel was the most visible logo.
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President Ismael Mukasa's installation |
The branding was superb. The music was fantastic not to mention food and drinks that flowed like waters of the great river Nile.
Visitors were ushered in by smartly dressed waitresses whose smiles could even bring a smile to Putin’s face. (I have never seen Putin smiling).
At the registration table headed by Don, guests were welcomes with more smiles and here they were given not only coupons but also car stickers and one of the best installation magazines in District 9211 (The Kajjansi Rotarian).
From there, there was a wall of fame where portraits of Kajjansi presidents were displayed. Many club members prayed that one day their portraits find their place on that wall of fame. Next was another placard that showed a school that was in a very sorry state, where the club has managed to revive it and the dream where they wAnt it to be. This was a form of accountability to show people that money taken off installation cards would be used to construct a classroom block at St Kizito Katwe Bweya.
Next was a photo opportunity at the media backdrop. This was cartied out by professional photographers.
Each of the guests that arrived early, had a chance to pose for a photo.
As the function started, students of Kisubi Mapeera S.S. entertained guests with a cocktail of all Ugandan traditional dances. It showed the richness of Uganda’s culture and our unity in diversity.
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The Brick July/August 2016 |
After the guest of honour Allan Mafabi (CEO of Britam Insurance), installed President Ismael, the Kisubi team played some nice kaswida (Mataali) and danced with all the vigour that the mataali group from Butambala usually expose.
The food was superb and even the cake was very yummy.
As the DJ spined the discs, for the New president to open the dance, the nearby function had to switch off their inferior machines and eventually danced to rotary music.
Rotarians and guests danced as if they possessed no bones. As I was leaving, one of the ladies attending the other party told me that she wanted to join rotary because of the way the party was organised and what she had overheard during the speeches. I invited her to come next Wednesday to fellowship with us and get to learn more about Rotary.
Thank you organizing team for a function well organised. The onus is now on us to go forward and serve humanity.
Britam donates 3m to Rotary
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Britam donates to Rotary Club of Kajjansi |
This was revealed by the CEO of Britam Insurance Allan Mafabi on Saturday 25th June 2016 @ Nican Resort during the installation of the 14th President Ismael Mukasa of the Rotary Club of Kajjansi.
Allan was the guest of honour who praised rotary for serving the less privileged in society. He said that the work rotarian are doing is commendable. He went on to say that this world would be a very peaceful place to be if r otarians were put in places of leadership because their values and ideals rotate around the four way test which every member of society should emulate.
He said that as part of their (Britam) corporate social, Britam was contributing 3m towards construction of a classroom block at Katwe Bweya in order to bring a smile to the less privileged children in that part of Uganda.
The club is constructing a classroom block every rotary year until the whole school gets enough classrooms for the ever increasing pupils.
By PAG Peace Taremwa
When MOGAS boss presided over my installation as President, he donated money for open heart surgery. In our wisdom, we had appointed Sr Angelina to serve humanity as a Gift of Life officer.
I recall that she was among the Rtns who used to call me “My President” and lived to the word. She attended all heart surgery preparatory meetings with Kampala North and Mulago Heart Institute, our partners.... when i was refused entry to look at the kids whose hearts had been opened, she informed the doctors that “he is my President, allow him in” and from that time i was referred to as “My President” by the Doctors, both foreign and local for as long as i visited. When i was MC at the visit of of the first lady, Janet , i literary informed her a President was in the house and she said, “you are humerous” !! It was all FUN.
When she invited “my President” for the fundraising at St Agnes, all members of the club contributed to the President’s hand over gift. She alowed me in “the kigo” and remidned me that it is usually male porters who ever crossed there and they are not hosted for the breakfast i was taking !! With our support, a public address system was purchased and she came back to say “thank you”.
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PAG Peace Taremwa's tribute to Sr. Angelina |
She was time conscious and could always leave at 8pm even when felowship appeared to be extended, for whatever reason. We used to chat “ Sr, yanguwa ogalewo ekigo, ba sister tebatoloka”
I have kept all my memories when we attended with her, the DCA in Nairobi !!!!!!!!!!!
I will also remember when she came in time to assist me prepare TEA at Presido John Mary’s home when he hosted the Charter nite.
“POEM” - Cancer and Sr. Angelina
Kansa, kansa , kansa
Kansa oyiseewo, Kansa ogya kutomera, genda mpola
Juuzi watwala abakadde,
Olwaddako n’otwala abavubuka ebyooji
Tolina nsonyi n’obwaana okokota
Wetulabidde nti oli kaggw’ensonyi,
bwewakimye Sr Angelina
Kati wafudde siriimu
ow’ebigere ?
Jjukira nti ab’ensi ennongoseemu bakukwatamu dda
Buuza Polio Rotary kyegikola !
Kati mu Uganda twasalamu okudduka emisinde nga bwetukulwanyisa
Kansa ssenta yawedde e Nsambya.
Kati tuddamu emisinde tufune ebyuma ebirala
Onaddawa? tujja kusomesa n’abasawo, onaddawa ?
Wamma Sister Angelina, tujja kulwanyisa kansa naye ajje gyoli,
naye tomutulugunya
Weeraba Sr Angelina , wummula mirembe.
By Rtn. Hannington Sebuliba
Sr. Angelina Nakato the rotarian
Sr. Angelina the religious
Sr. Angelina the teacher
SR. Angelina the compassionate
She was mother to all,
She lived a life so simple, yet so meaningful
That was the life of the rotarian nun
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Fair well Sr. Angelina |
Her life was so meaningful
Her life she shared with the less privileged
Mingling with kids, you’d mistake her for a kid
When with fellow nuns, you’d definitely mistake her for a saint
With rotarians, her numerous jokes would crack the ribs
That’s the life of our once a jolly good nun.
When she was inducted in Rotary
Many thought she would not manage, yet deep down her heart of hearts she was determined to serve
Service above self, was the life she lived
She sacrificed her time and resources to serve the less privileged.
That was the life our rotarian Sister Angelina.
When the club adopted kids abandoned in Buikwe, Sr picked a one Namakajjo to be her own
She loved him to the marrow, treating him as if she was his mother
Namakajjo found his lost motherly love in her.
Now she is gone, his heart melts with grief.
What he needs now is compassion and care.
When the club chose her to be gift of life officer, wonders she did
Sister embraced the sick children
Gave them that motherly love
The embrace from God.
Children with hearts that needed repair so hope with sister’s embrace
That was the gift she was to the world.
We know you have gone to heaven to be with your creator
Our eyes are full of tears because of your demise.
The angels receive you Angelina
As you sing with angelic choirs
Singing songs of joy, rejoicing and praising God the Father, God the son and God the Holy Spirit.
Let Jesus recieve you now for great is your reward.
Goodbye Sir Angelina, farewell Rtn. Nakato
We shall one day meet in heaven
Across the river where there’s no sorrow.
May your soul rest in peace.
Ten Qualities of people with High Emotional Intelligence (EI)
By Rtn. Moses Ssessanga
Bulletin officer 2016/17
I have decided to share something about Emotional Intelligence in this issue of The Brick as a defence of my Classification as a student of people. The beauty about EI is that it can be developed over time, unlike Intelligent Quotient (IQ) which hardly changes with exposure.
Have you ever wondered why some people seem to have an unlimited amount of success in both their personal and professional lives? It could be because they possess high emotional intelligence.
According to Psychology Today, “Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify and manage your own emotions and the emotions of others.” This usually involves:
- Emotional Awareness, which includes the ability to identify your own emotions as well as those of others;
- The ability to harness Emotions and apply them to tasks such as problem solving;
- The ability to manage your emotions, such as being able to calm down when you’re upset.
If you want to know if you have a high Emotional Intelligence (EI) or want to work on strengthening your EI in order to succeed in life and your chosen Classification, here are 10 qualities that people with high EI to provide the benchmark.
1. They’re not Perfectionists:
Being a perfectionist can get in the way of completing tasks and achieving goals since it can lead to having trouble getting started, procrastinating, and looking for the right answer when there isn’t one.
This is why people with high EI aren’t perfectionists. They realize that perfection doesn’t exist and push forward. If they make a mistake, they’ll make adjustments and learn from it.
2. They know how to Balance work and play.
Working 24/7 and not taking care of yourself adds unnecessary stress and health problems to your life.
Because of this, people with high EI know when it’s time to work and when to play. For example, if they need to disconnect from the world for a couple of hours, or even an entire weekend, they will because they need the time to unplug to reduce the stress levels.
NB: This is the reason that this year’s Club Strategic Retreat shall be held in November, 2016 at Ssese Islands at a venue to be communicated.
3. They embrace Change.
Instead of dreading change, high EI people realize that change is a part of life. Being afraid of change hinders success, so they adapt to the changes around them and always have a plan in place should any sort of change occur.
4. They don’t get easily Distracted.
People with high EI have the ability to pay attention to the task at hand and aren’t easily distracted by their surroundings.
5. They’re Empathetic.
Daniel Goleman, psychologist and author of Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence, said that empathy is one of the five components of emotional intelligence. In fact, being able to relate to others, show compassion, and take the time to help someone are all crucial components of EI. Additionally, being empathic makes people with EI curious about other people and and leads them to ask lots of questions whenever they meet someone new. This is the identifying mark of an effective Rotarian.
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Rtn. Moses Ssessanga on qualities of people with High Emotional Intelligence |
6. They know their Strengths and Weaknesses.
Emotionally intelligent people know what they’re good at and what they’re not so great at. They’ve not just accepted their strengths and weaknesses; they also know how to leverage their strengths and weaknesses by working with the right people in the right situation, ie they identify people who complement their weakness and then emerge stronger.
7. They’re Self-motivated.
Were you that ambitious and hard-working kid who was motivated to achieve a goal--and not just because there was a reward at the end? Being a real go-getter, even at a young age, is another quality possessed by people with EI.
8. They don’t dwell in the past.
People with high EI don’t have the time to dwell in the past because they’re too busy contemplating the possibilities that tomorrow will bring. They don’t let past mistakes consume them with negativity. They don’t hold grudges. Both add stress and prevent us from moving forward.
9. They focus on the Positive.
Emotionally intelligent people would rather devote their time and energy to solving a problem. Instead of harping on the negative, they look at the positive and what they have control over. Furthermore, they also spend their time with other positive people and not the people who constantly complain.
10. They set Boundaries.
While people with high EI may seem like pushovers because of their politeness and compassion, they actually have the power to establish boundaries. For example, they know how to say no to others. This prevents them from getting overwhelmed, burned out, and stressed because they have too many commitments. Instead, they’re aware that saying no frees them up to complete previous commitments.
Forty years ago, a man named George Campbell, the owner of the company I worked for, invited me to join Rotary. Back then, that was a common practice in the United States. Your boss invited you to join Rotary because he thought it would be good for business and good for the community, and you said yes. It’s not surprising that our membership surged during that period.
George warned me not to use Rotary as an excuse to slack off at work. Even so, I always had time to attend lunch meetings and serve on committees. I never had to worry that taking a long lunch once a week would hurt my advancement, or what my boss would think about the occasional Rotary phone call at work.
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Today, things are different. Companies are less generous about time, and not every manager looks favorably on community service. It’s hard to enjoy a Rotary meeting when you’ve got emails piling up on your phone. It’s harder than ever to balance work with Rotary – and the model that gave us so much growth a few decades ago is part of what’s holding back our growth now.
That’s why the recent Council on Legislation adopted some innovative measures that allow clubs to vary their meeting times and expand their pool of prospective members. Clubs have more flexibility now to respond to the needs of their members and to clear away as many barriers to membership as they can. But there’s one barrier to membership that only you can remove, one thing that every prospective member needs to become a Rotarian: an invitation to join a Rotary club.
Whenever I tell a group of Rotarians that we need more willing hands, more caring hearts, and more bright minds to move our work forward, everyone applauds. But those hands, hearts, and minds won’t magically appear in our clubs. We have to ask them to join. And an invitation to Rotary is something that only you can give. An invitation is a gift. It’s saying to someone, “I think you have the skills, the talent, and the character to make our community better, and I want you to join me in doing that.”
I’m the president of Rotary International, but the only club I can invite someone to join is the Rotary Club of Chattanooga, Tenn. I can’t make your club or your community stronger. Only you can do that – by inviting the qualified people you know to join you in Rotary Serving Humanity.
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Invitation to our Mega Medical Camp and visit of DG Jayesh |
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