Congratulations on celebrating another significant month that concerns us all! It is very encouraging that Rotary International recognized that it is through our Vocations that we extend services to humanity.
It is often misconceived that whatever one does in service delivery is a vocation, but a vocation is when one has a strong feeling of suitability for a particular career or occupation. A vocation is a calling! Our vocations start with our passions, then training and qualification. The word was originally used among the religious and later adopted across. It is worth celebrating the vocational month to show our appreciation to those that serve diligently exhibiting the service spirit in all they do. Our pioneer Rotarians engaged in different vocations and Rotary has continued to promote this diversity.
In the exercise of our vocations, Rotary plays a significant role in value disposition. If all people followed the four-way test in the pursuit of their duties, work would be more meaningful and rewarding to all. It is heart soothing entering any organization and identifying people with a Rotary lapel. It is a welcoming sign and a direct message that people serve with integrity. Rotary appreciates that without vocations we cannot contribute to the humanitarian causes that we uphold. This is further articulated in the Object of Rotary. High ethical standards in business and professions, the recognition of all useful occupations and the dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve society. This cements Rotary’s commitment to Vocation service and demonstrates the key competences to profitable business; integrity, transparency and commitment. We are further encouraged to promote the ideal of service in our personal, business and community life.
As we celebrate the Vocational month, it is our tradition to award excellence. Usually, persons that surpass others in service delivery are picked out. This is not surprising to us. We have all had experiences when you go to the bank and want a particular person X to help you, or to a hospital and look for your preferred Doctor. Even in the market, there is a particular stall you buy from. It is an everyday practice to look out for those that do their vocations from within. I am grateful that Rotary is directly and indirectly affecting the way we conduct ourselves in business and professions. If you have not experienced any change in the way you do things since you joined Rotary, chances are high that you were not well mentored!
Let us celebrate the Vocational month in gratitude that out vocations help us to be Rotarians and Rotary facilitates us to be better in all we do; our values and attitudes are well directed towards achieving the common good. Let us promote the Four Way- Test and Object of Rotary in all we do to yield more from our vocations. This will also attract more members to this family of people that do extra-ordinary things.
Congratulations to all Awardees of this year’s Vocational Award in all clubs.
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