Peace, everyone’s desire, the absence of which hearts despair, families break, countries fight, and relations die! What a pleasant coincidence that as we celebrate Love on Valentines Day Rotary challenges us to reflect on Peace and conflict resolution. But what is Peace? One can easily describe it as freedom from disturbances. Peace starts with you! Peace is neither sold nor bought! It is a decision we take. Whether peace of mind or peace on earth or the hereafter, it all begins with trying to be calmer and more present. It is the absence of peace that brings conflict. It is therefore very appropriate to look at peace and conflict resolution concurrently.
When Christ was leaving his disciples, He gave them Peace! This therefore means it is a key ingredient in man’s survival. We have lost peace due to greed, competition, clashing values, misinterpretation of information, envy, jealous and a desire to dominate. Many countries have gone to war and lives have been lost for reasons that are easy to resolve amicably. The ability to resolve a conflict and maintain positive relations is a big sign of maturity. In our attempt to attain peace, we must lose ourselves. Pride and a superiority complex undermine peace. Peace starts with you. Just imagine a world where everyone strove for nothing but peace! Who would invent the missiles? Rotary gives us an insight into our purpose of living by giving us an opportunity to reflect on peace.
Wayner Dyer said, “Peace can become a lens through which you see the world. Be it. Live it. Radiate it. Peace is an inside job” Life gains more meaning when we live in peace. Peace increases productivity and innovation. Peace strengthens family ties; it boosts development in communities and unites nations. We need to watch our thoughts because they influence our behavior, and we must be conscious that a lack of peace in oneself can distort the peace of others. Revenge is one among the perpetuators of conflict, but we need to be reminded that Christ encouraged us to forgive and love!
“Do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace” Dalai Lama. When peace becomes everyone’s desire, conflict resolution will not be required. Sadly, this is not an achievable scenario! Conflict is normal! We have lived in conflict from the time of creation, the sin of Cain was a sin of greed and it brought conflict. Even the first man Adam conflicted with God when he ate the forbidden fruit. We should therefore appreciate this fact and resolve conflicts democratically and with the understanding that we all depend on one another. It should however be noted that peace is not permanent, and it requires continuous nurturing. It entails deliberate actions and conscious effort. Peace in the world starts with you! Peace in the family brings peace in the society. Peaceful societies make peaceful nations and peaceful nations give peace to the world.
Let us reflect on the words of Lao Tzu who said that, if you are depressed, you are living in the past, if you are anxious you are living in the future, if you are at peace you are living in the present.
“Nobody can bring you peace but yourself” Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Friends and family let us strive to achieve peace in the world first by having peace ourselves. I am grateful that the first peace centre in Africa is in Uganda. It is much needed, and I pray that it will transform our nation.
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