Together, let us Serve to Change Lives
Dear Friends & Partners in service, the Rotary year 2021-22 is on and our Rotary International President SHEKHAR MEHTA, is calling us to Serve to Change Lives.
It is upon each one of us to work towards achieving that goal. RI President Mehta says encourages us to live for others, to care for others, to serve others and change their lives as the best way to live our own lives. Just as Albert Einstein said, “Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.”
We therefore, need to fasten our belts and work hard to see that the people we are serving in our respective communities are well served and their lives are changed for better. That way we shall be able to live a satisfied life. We can’t do this as individuals but together, we can serve to Change lives.
We thank our partners in service who have sacrificed their resources to advertise in our Installation Magazine. We assure you that the monies you have contributed will be used to facilititate service projects geared at serving to Change lives.
Finally we congratulate President Alex Kamukama and assure him our full support as we Serve to Change Lives
As we all serve, we change the lives of not only others; we change our lives, too. Vivekananda, one of India’s greatest philosophers, said, “When you help someone, do not think that you are obliging him or her. In fact, it is he or she who is obliging you by giving you an opportunity to give back something to this world from where we have received so much.” Also, he added beautifully, “In life, take the position of the donor or the server, and yet be so humble in giving and serving that let the donor or server kneel down and ask: ‘May I give? May I serve?’ ”
Friends, to live for others, to care for others, to serve others and change their lives is the best way to live our own lives. Just as Albert Einstein said, “Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.”
And friends, as we go about our service initiatives, our special focus this year will be on empowering girls. One of Rotary’s core values is diversity. We have a public statement that outlines our belief in DEI — diversity, equity, and inclusion. It is important that we empower the girl as we all find that more often than not, the girl is disadvantaged. We will serve all children, but our focus will be specially on the girl. There are many issues that girls face in different parts of the world, and you as leaders will ensure that we try and mitigate the disadvantage of the girl that they may have.
Friends, to do more and grow more, we have designed some presidential initiatives.
There will be seven presidential conferences across the world focusing on the seven areas of focus. And for every Rotary and Rotaract club to be able to organize and engage Rotarians and Rotaractors, and the public at large, we will have Rotary Days of Service. Do participate in the presidential conference closest to home, and do encourage every club to participate in a Rotary Day of Service. Let them join Rotaractors and Interactors. Let us showcase our work the world over through thousands of Rotary Days of Service by Rotary clubs.
Dear change-maker governors, ending polio, fighting COVID, working on large impactful projects, and increasing our membership to a never-before 1.3 million — the task ahead is challenging. And that should excite you. Rotarians love challenges. A ship is safe in the harbor, but that is not what ships are meant for. They need to go out in the high seas. Life, my dear change-makers, is about adventure and not maintenance.
Let me end with what I have penned for our theme:
The biggest gift we are given
Is the power to touch a life
To change,
To make a difference
In the circle of life.
If we can reach out
With our hands, heart, and soul
The magic will begin to happen
As the wheel begins to roll ...
Let’s turn the wheel together
So all humanity thrives
We have the power and the magic
To serve ... to change lives ...
At this moment, I urge you, wherever you are seated, to put your hand on your heart and pledge with me:
So, my dear change-makers, are you ready? Are you ready for the big challenges? Are you ready to serve? Are you ready to change lives?
I am, and I’m sure you are too. Together, let us Serve to Change Lives.
As We Embark on Our Journey as a New District
District Governor’s Message
Young Kimaro
District Governor Elect
Warmest greetings to you from the cool slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro. As we ring in the new Rotary year, I wish your club all the best. May your selfless dedication and commitment to service, the very core of what makes Rotary great, continue to shine and change lives.
Please remember always that the entire District Team is there to support you, work with you to achieve your goals. Let us join hands and dare each other to reach beyond our own expectations.
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A New beginning" Rotary District 9214 is born |
As we plan to increase our impact, we should not forget the Rotary Foundation which had been our main source of funding for Global Grant projects. It increased project funding clubs had at hand by multiples of 8-10. But as the speed at which we utilized those funds far outpaced our contributions to it, its coffers are nearing depletion. We must redouble our efforts to contribute to TRF to put the World Fund back on firm recovery path and growth.
Grow more to do more to change lives, RIPE Shekar bids us. Grow more with people of right calibre for Rotary - people of integrity, commitment, empathy, caring and good will. Look around you. People of such calibre may be within your easy reach. Don’t ignore the power of asking. Share your Rotary story and invite. Once inside the door, involve the newcomer in service activities. Once inducted, give the new Rotarian club assignments, however small. That will give the new member a sense of being valued, that they belong.
Here is a challenge for the year - enhance your members’ Rotary experience. Make every meeting, fellowship or service engaging and meaningful that they will be eager for more. That will rob the revolving door of the power to revolve so that your members will be for keeps.
To all committed and able Rotarians, especially the young and energetic, I invite you to volunteer to serve as cadets on District Committees. Embrace this opportunity to deepen your roots and grow in Rotary.
Take advantage of the virtual reality that was forced on us by COVID. Use it to connect with the world. Invite clubs from across districts/countries/continents to your fellowships. Participate in
training and Rotary events and invite great Rotary speakers from anywhere around the world. Possibilities are endless, limited only by our imagination.
Lastly, let us promote teamwork. share ideas, and invite divergent views to stimulate each other. From that pot of ideas will rise
“Collective Genius,” brilliant and innovative ideas that none of us could have arrived at alone.
Wish you all a wonderful year of growth, inner peace and happiness in service in Rotary.
The Remarks of The Chief Guest
The Top Leadership of Rotary, The Club President Rtn Annet Nannyonjo, President Elect Rtn Alex Kamukama, Ladies and Gentlemen
It gives me pleasure to be part of this auspicious 19th Installation of The Rotary Club of Kajjansi. Thank you President Annet for the invitation.
Had it not been for the restrictions of assembly because of the Covid 19 Pandemic, I would surely be with you physically.
Nevertheless, let us be thankful to God for the technological innovations that enable us reach out to one another as we are doing right now.
I can vouch for them as born leaders.
Am particularly happy that both the outgoing and the incoming Presidents are personal friends whom I met way back.
President Anet,
Let me congratulate you upon serving your term and accepting to hand over to your successor
Am informed that in Rotary, you choose your leaders well in advance to allow smooth transition.
I met Alex in 1990 when he was dating my friend Rhona his wife.
I have known him as an innovative and inspirational leader. Whatever he pursues, he achieves.
Let me also congratulate the members of The Rotary Club of Kajansi for choosing Rtn. Alex Kamukama as your next leader.
You people of good will, who serve above self to improve the lives of less privileged people of the world I salute you!
Allow me to appreciate the Rotary fraternity starting with your Club.
Am confident that Rtn Alex will inspire the Team he will lead and without doubt your club will celebrate at the end of the Rotary year.
Among others
Am informed of the monthly Immunisation you carry out to prevent Ugandan Children from contracting the deadly diseases.
The Schools and Technical institutes you have built to impart skills to the young ones.
The entrepreneurship programmes you are running for the youth through Vijana Poa initiative.
At the District level, we as Ugandans, shall for ever be appreciative of the Rotarians contribution in putting up the Blood Bank at Mengo, The Cancer Ward at Nsambya, the Many trees you have planted to save the Environment among others
Rotary as a global service organisation, you have supported the eradication of Polio from the face of the world. Thank you so much.
At the heart of these community improvement programs is capable leadership.
We, at Citibank as a global Bank, we have also been supportive to the communities of the world.
Through Citi Foundation we work for Economic Empowerment and Financial inclusion of low to moderate income people.
We work with Non Profit Organizations like yours to facilitate Enterprise development, Youth Education and Livelihoods among others
Leadership that builds and sustains relationships....that comes with trust and having a sense of reliability.
Leadership that inspires Teams, mobilizes resources and accounts for those resources.
Leadership that never leaves anyone behind.
Authentic leadership promotes simplicity and inclusiveness
It is this kind of leadership that I recommend to you My Brother Alex and your Team.
Citi Bank Uganda pledges to work with your Club in the Economic and Community Development area of Focus. Particularly in the Enterprise Development for the youth.
I will ask my Team to coach and mentor the Entrepreneur Youth your Club is supporting.
Together we shall have served members of our communities that are less privileged, we shall have put smiles on the faces of the beneficiaries and indeed we shall have SERVED TO CHANGE LIVES as the Rotary theme for this year states.
Thank you all.
Outgoing President’s Report
Dear friends in service, I am overjoyed yet humbled as I join the long list of remarkable past presidents of our club. The year started in a rather confusing and nearly pessimistic state when everyone was still figuring out how best virtual situations can work. Apparently, it appeared like no project would happen and no funds could be raised as many of us were home in the lockdown! My feelings are elevated, and I have a big cause to appreciate all members for the enormous support you have rendered in making my presidency worth remembering. It is amazing how time flies and perplexing how Rotarians exhibit selflessness even at the seemingly hopeless situation.
This memorable journey was initiated by Past President Flavia who approached me persuading me to be a President. It was indeed persuasion because I did not have it as one of my ambitions or targets. I want to thank her for identifying potential in me and the whole club for accepting me to be their leader. In Rotary you lead leaders! This experience means a lot to me and those close to me.I want to thank my employer Taibah International school for giving me an enabling environment and all support; emotional, financial and time.
Truthfully, whatever has been achieved was the effort of the club members but in a special way I am grateful to the Board for the leadership exhibited which has enabled us to achieve much. In summary we have been able to achieve the following.
This was my priority as soon as I accepted presidency. I am pleased that we have delivered the club to a 100% PHF status, acquired a second Major Donor-Dr. Johnson Byabashaija, and contributed 24,000 dollars to the different RI grants; Polio, The Annual Fund and WASH. All members of the club contributed something! We have celebrated 20 new PHF, 1 PHF+4 OP Annet, 1 PHF+3 DES Juliet, 2 PHF+2 AG Ismael and Dr. John, and 4PHF+1 IPP Flavia, TRF Director Loy, William Ezama and Asiimwe. We also have 2 non-Rotarian PHFs!
Our Award at the District Conference was no accident. We have also been able to utilize Global Grants for the first time in history. I am greatly indebted to DES Juliet Kyokunda for steering applications for Global Grant. The club received 89,000 Dollars for the Buikwe project and 49,999 Dollars for Nakigalala. We had another Global Grant approval of 38,882 Dollars.
We have not been a social club, but a true Rotary Club if the common saying of Rotary is defined by projects is to go by. We have laid a foundation for a Girls’ Dormitory at Buikwe upon which the next president will proceed. This cost approximately 25 million of which members contributed 7,338,000, 4,300,000 obtained from Magazine adverts, 5,000,000 diverted from the Katwe Bweya Project, 8,800,000 from DES Juliet (balance from another project) Thank you to Taibah International school-1 million, Haven Education Centre-500,000, ATOM outdoor Advertisement -500,000, Good Price Hardware- 500,000, Doctors’ Hospital Segukku – 500,000,Axis Cars 500,000, HUB Construction and Tatli Mushrooms 300,000, 500,000 Real Business oan -Rotarian Don.
In the same Institute, we have constructed a strong Workshop for Carpentry, Tailoring and other Vocational subjects using the Global Grant funds received. In addition, Computers and other equipment for study have been procured.
Our signature project the Car boot sale could not happen physically due to Covid, but we have been able to raise 1,250,000 shillings through member support. I am pleased to report that the beneficiaries are in school.With Mission Green, we have been able to plant fruit trees in Akright City and the planting will continue into the next year. We have also planted 10,000 seedlings in Kasanje and supervised the growth of what had already been put.
Our Jjanyi immunization drive has been conducted religious and I am indebted to Rotarian Uniah PHF for the commitment and consistence in making it a big success. Over 1,500 children have enjoyed the service.
The club through its partnership with Water for People has been able to distribute1,300 SATO pans in different parts of the country to improve hygiene in homes.
In addition, we have erected a hand washing tank at St. Gyaviira Lweza Primary school as a contribution towards fighting the pandemic but also for general hygiene having realized that pupils were walking direct to class after using the latrines without washing their hands.
We have been able to mobilize clubs on the Entebbe Road corridor to a blood donation drive where five Rotary Clubs and four Rotaract Clubs participated at different places. Back home, we were able to collect 92 units of blood to save lives.
The club also participated in the Tree planting drive in Omungari which was organized by DGN Peace. Some members were physically present, and others made financial contributions to a tune of 1,000,000.
Our Club was among the many that embraced the Virtual Cancer Run. Thank you to Rotarian Rittah Nakasaawe for coordinating the activities, DGN Peace who was our Chief Walker and PE Alex who hosted us to a sumptuous breakfast after the Walk.
In the Vocational month, we were able to recognise one person that delivered exemplified service to his community especially in the area of Water provision. Congratulations to retired engineer Deogratius Mukasa Mpotwa.
This has been the focus of our District Governor. Her passion has been to ensure Rotarians are healthy so that they serve others better. She thus came up with Fitness and Nutrition encouraging Rotarians to eat healthy meals and do exercise. This campaign has been led by PAG Mebra. I am pleased to report that our club had three FAN fellowships: one at Nican Resort and two in Akright. I encourage members to carry on with this theme for better health and wealth.
The club has grown from 52 members at the beginning of the Rotary year to 57 active members. We have 33 males and 24 females. Our average age has also improved because most of the inducted members are below 40. Unfortunately, one of our members Frank Twinamatsiko went to be with the Lord following a fatal accident he had at the Mutungo - Kitiko junction. May his soul rest in peace.
We have been able to induct Six new members: James Wakoko, Evelyn Nabibubbu, Moses Mugumya Martin Mugarura, Lydia Matte and Dr. Edward Sekawojwa. Their zeal to serve is already captivating. Our desire to have two honorary members hit a snag as one of them was out of the country and the other narrowly missed when he forgot the day for his recognition. We hope to bring them on board in the next year.
We are a diverse club by all measures. We have different classifications, religious affiliations, tribal diversity, age and talent. We however still need to induct an Engineer now that we got a Lawyer.
The club has continued to attract potential guests and maintained the induction procedures. This is aimed at ensuring we induct only people that are serious and passionate about Rotary.
Member engagement in club activities is commendable as most pooled resources including time to ensure that our activities run smoothly.
We have stood as a family in all matters concerning our members. I am grateful for all the financial support members have rendered our bereaved friends, their presence at burials and comforting messages shared. We have also graced happy moments together.
With membership extension, the Rotary Club of Akright City in- formation was inaugurated and we are optimistic it will be chartered in 2021/2022. Fellowships are happening every Sunday 7 to 8 pm and the zeal of the incoming Membership Director is very convincing.To consolidate our membership, we have had several social events and one big home hospitality. Thank you to Rotarians Anita and Nixon Kakeeto for hosting us. Other members who hosted the club include Rotarians Charles and Theresa Baganja, PP Enid, PHF Barbara Kawere, OP Annet, PE Alex Kamukama aand Isaac Muchunguzi.
The Club is recognized at the District and this is justified by the number of members serving beyond the Club. This year, we have been represented by the District Executive Secretary Juliet Kyokunda PHF 3, District Governor Nominee MD Peace, Assistant Governor Ismael Mukasa PHF 2, Cancer Run Coordinator Rittah Nakasaawe PHF 1. Others have also been identified to serve in the next year. Congratulations to PP Charles Magala PHF on your appointment as AG, IPP Joyce Magala PHF+1 on joining the WASH team, PE Alex Kamukama on your appointment as the Vijana Poa Chair, Rittah Nakasaawe PHF on ascending to Youth Representation. No doubt, other appointments are coming to Kajjansi.
Club Administration
At the beginning of the year, members were organized into Buddy groups which also doubled as Comittees through which all activities have been organized and implemented. Each group has worked tirelessly, and healthy competition was very visible which has helped us to remain an adorable club. Congratulations to the Membership committee under the leadership of Rotarian Mary Kasirye on standing out as the best Buddy group of the year.
We have attracted wonderful guest speakers ranging from Past District Governors to friends of Rotary. Among the special guests were, PDG Steven Mwanje, PDG Xavier Sentamu, PDG Shamillah Bhatt PDG Robert Waggwa Nsibirwa, DGN Michael Sebalu, PAG James Nkooka, PAG James Galabuzi, DES Juliet Kyokunda,PP Tina Nakibuuka, PP Jude Kaliisa, IPP Jude, WASH Manager Henry Kakooza, Dr. Hanifa Namala Ssebaggala, Andrew Edmund Maviiri and many others.
The Club had an informative and inspiring training with formidable trainers. Thank you to IPP Joyce the Club Trainer and Rotarian Mary Kasirye for the arrangement.
We have been able to celebrate our annual days in a very befitting way. The Family Day and Gift exchange was very well organized and celebrated. Thank you to Family of Rotary Officer Loritah Asiimwe, Evelyn Nabibubbu, James Wakoko and Rittah Nakasaawe for the arrangements. The Charter Night was also a memorable event. Thank you to Charter Chair Flavia for the organization and all members for the contributions. This event was graced by PDG Kawalya.
The annual club retreat was also held, and a SWOT analysis of the club conducted. Good plans were shared, and a lot of beneficial ideas shared. Thank you to Rotarian Onyango PHF for hosting us and PE Alex for the organisation.
The Family of Rotary Officer has been very instrumental in recognizing and celebrating special days of our members; birthdays, anniversaries and our candidates received customized success cards from the club.
Youth Services
We have worked very well with our youth although the year had challenge of COVID which made activities of institutional clubs almost impossible.
Four of our members have attained a duo membership status. Congratulations to Rotarians Alex Kamukama, Rittah Nakasaawe, Ismael Mukasa and Isaac Muchunguzi for the step taken.
Members of the club have at a personal level supported Rotaract projects and helped in meeting some financial obligations to keep our clubs alive.
We were able to send our Youth to RYLA as planned. A total of Six was sponsored.
Our Youth had several opportunities to fellowship with us and we enjoyed a home hospitality together. Thank you to Rotarian Isaac the Youth services director for hosting the clubs. They were also given an opportunity to take over mother club. The Rotaract club of Kajjansi led fellowship on 5/5/21 and it was a wonderful evening. Thank you to Rotaractor Ambition for the wonderful talk.
A relationship with the Youth in Akright City was also initiated when PE Alex Kamukama bought for them a training Kit and I as President bought for them a quality ball to enhance their Football training. This relationship is also aimed at promoting peace in the community. Young unemployed persons can be a big threat is unattended to.
We have tried hard to persuade our youth to contribute to the Rotary Fund, but this has not yet yield. A start up of 20 Dollars was given to them to stimulate interest with a promise to march their contributions but they have failed to utilize it.
Public Relations.
We have been very visible at all functions that brought Rotarians together; The District Conference, The Zone Institute, Cancer Run mention it. Our PR Director Rittah Nakasaawe has been keen on making us visible.
Our social media has been very active and updated regularly. Twitter (, Facebook ( and the blog ( have all been working and updated regularly. Thank you to Mr. Sebuliba Hannington for a job well done.
We have been consistent with our monthly Bulletin the Brick where a lot of information has been shared and many Educative articles written by members. Thank you to Rotarian Delphine Mugisha PHF for the mobilization.
We have communicated all Club events to whoever had to know by publishing beautiful fliers. All fellowships had a flier, Jjanyi immunization, Club Assemblies and others.Our Home coming Fellowship for DGE Peace was another Public Relations event as it brought together members of different Clubs and we were honored to host the DG Young Kimaro. What an opportunity to be among the first clubs she has visited as she prepares to start her journey as District Head.
I owe all achievements to the wonderful board that I have worked with and take all responsibility for things than did not go well, it means I did not listen well.
Once again, I thank all members for the cooperation, but most importantly for giving me the opportunity to be their leader. Rotary, service above self!
Annet Nannyonjo
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